Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New post, new year!!

     Happy 1st day of 2014 everyone. I hope everyone has had a happy, and healthy Holiday Season. I, for one sure have. 
     This morning when I got out of bed, I made the decision to go for a run. I use to run 5-6 days a week but then got lazy and out of the habit. It wasn't a long one but it's a start and I know I'll get back to where I was previously. 

     I also headed to the grocery store, but before I left I made a meal plan that requires a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. I will admit I did pick up some things to bake. One of my resolutions for this year is to bake more with my kids. It's something they always enjoy doing and I need to get over the mess that is made and realize that memories are also being made! It's also a lot of fun to surprise them with a yummy treat after school. 

     I accomplished one small thing today. Probably, the most important in my house. Snack organization. I have a general rule after school that my kids as well as those I watch after school, may have 2 snacks. 1 junk item and 1 healthy, this way it doesn't spoil their appetite before dinner.  Now, if I were to leave the junk food items in their original packaging the kids would be clever enough to claim the whole bag as their 1 junk item. I came up with a clever plan to foil this line of thinking though. ;-) You can find at your local grocery store small size containers with lids to individually package snacks. The ones I purchase are featured below and come in packs of 6 for $2.50. I also use these to organize all sorts of things around the house. 

These are great to grab and go as well. 

Leave a comment below and let me know how you organize your snacks? 

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